Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

90-Day Countdown to 2018

Have you spent the majority of the year attending to things that were on your original plan? Perhaps but if not, here are the two reasons strategists say most often derail us from our goals: a lack of clarity and broken daily focus.

There’s still time to refocus. Oct. 1 kicks off the last 90 days of 2017. 

‘Fourth quarter’ thinking offers some great leverage. It’s easier to psyche ourselves up for a 90-day focused sprint more than a 365-day marathon.

Here’s a plan to start fresh on the final 90.

1. Take the time to regroup and re-energize around a worthy goal, or two, but no more than three. 

2. Ask, ‘What can we do in 90 days that would make us feel proud and also make a significant, positive impact for the organization?’

3. Once you come up with it, give it a name – ‘Fourth Quarter Drive’ (4QD), break it down into detailed daily tasks, and give the team a mandate to make it the No. 1 priority. 

4. Set aside the first hour of each day to complete the daily tasks for the 4QD.

For fun, turn it into a contest and plan the celebration party now.  

Won’t it feel great to get the goal by year end?


Additional Resource: Click here to watch a 3-minute video of ‘The Greatest Comeback in Laker History’ vs. Mavericks – Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, Steve Nash…oh yeah.