Christi Howard headshot Written by: Christi Howard

How to Use LinkedIn When Hiring

The hiring landscape over the last year has been unlike anything we’ve seen in a long time. While things like LinkedIn and job boards have been around for a while, the way we use them has changed, especially over the last year. 

As you tackle hiring challenges, take a look at how you’re using LinkedIn when hiring. Are you taking advantage of all it has to offer?

Person holding phone that shows LinkedIn app open

Here’s what you need to know when it comes to using LinkedIn when hiring:

  1. LinkedIn has the ability to notify others that you’re hiring. Make sure this is turned on. It’ll put a badge on your profile.
  2. Post the position natively on LinkedIn – not just your website. There are hundreds, even thousands, looking for a new position right on LinkedIn. If you’re not posting there, they may never know about your business or open position(s). (Please know this is free!)
  3. Utilize all that LinkedIn Recruiter has to offer. This is different from just It’s an entire hiring platform that provides numerous benefits as you search for right-fit candidates.
  4. Find and recruit passive candidates. Don’t forget about the passive candidates! Rather than wait for someone to see your job posting and apply, go find the person you want and message them! 

This just scratches the surface of what LinkedIn can offer you when hiring. It’s a platform that was really built for this, and the changes they’ve made over the last year have made it even better.