Alissa Hawkins headshot Written by: Alissa Hawkins

Why it’s important to recruit passive candidates

The past couple of years have been wild ones for the job market across the United States. We’ve seen the pendulum swing from high unemployment to record lows, and we’re now faced with a unique challenge of more job opportunities than candidates actively looking for a new position. 

Hiring top talent in this climate is highly competitive. If fewer people are looking for a job, then that means there’s less to choose from in your talent pool. So, in order to fill leadership positions, and to make sure you get the right people in place, you have to be proactive instead of reactive. 

Here are a few reasons why you should be seeking out passive candidates to fill the roles at your company: 

Valuable assets

A passive candidate is someone who is currently employed and not actively searching for a new job opportunity. These are people who are valuable to their current employer, and they are content with their current job—this is a good thing. You can be one of the first businesses reaching out to them for an interview. 

You could be limiting yourself

Multiple reports have shown that nearly three-fourths of the workforce are passive candidates. If you limit your search only to candidates who are actively searching, then you are greatly limiting yourself in what is only becoming a more fiercely competitive candidate-driven market.


This is an easy concept: if you hire someone who is already proven in their field, then the transition period will be a quick and easy one. Hiring passive candidates can give you a faster return on your investment. It can save you time onboarding these new hires, and you can quickly get the right leaders in place to carry your team through this next exciting phase. 

We know that finding exceptional leaders that align with your company can be a challenge, and time is critical. We can help you identify and assess the best leadership talent in order to deliver candidates our clients would rarely be able to access through their own existing channels. 

We have a network of passive candidates, and we want to work with you to deliver quick results. Reach out to me here if you would like to hear more.