Eric Handler headshot Written by: Eric Handler

Accelerate Accountability to Accelerate Results

Organizations have traditionally relied upon annual performance reviews to incorporate accountability. Acknowledging the system hasn’t produced the desired results, Adobe, GE, Medtronics and 10 percent of the Fortune 500 have dispensed with them.

When accountability is experienced as something someone else does ‘to’ us, it backfires and harms results. True accountability comes from within and accelerates personal results.

Leaders who strive to be worth following can infuse their organizations with accountability by modeling it. Here’s a simple system to try daily or weekly – the more often the better – and to share with others:

  • Preview: Identify three to-do items to advance the company.
  • Review: Did you complete your three?
  • Reflect: What helps you stay on track? What hinders?
  • Adjust: Change your environment accordingly.

Making accountability personal and positive builds trust. With no shortage of corporate leaders who’ve broken trust and avoided accountability, creating a culture of accountability will put you head and shoulders ahead of your competition; and establish your company as a great brand.

At Handler and Associates, accountability is one of our core values.  We believe that when you’re accountable to yourself, your team, clients and partners, it is always a positive. We believe it gives you the freedom to thrive and better serve your clients.

We do what we say we are going to do. We are truthful, transparent, and timely.  When we take on a client engagement, we own it. You can count on us.  If we don’t get it right, we will make it right. You have our word on it.

Additional Resource: Click here for more tips on ‘How to Ignite Your Team’s Accountability Engine.’

For nearly four decades, Handler & Associates has partnered with clients to deliver high-quality, challenge-ready executive leaders.